Sunday, September 7, 2014

Nice, France

Friday, September 5: 
After our exam we left for Nice extremely excited to get to the beach and warmer weather. After about a 5 hour train ride we had finally arrived. Jack, Brendan, Tyler, Christian, Casey, and myself were all staying in Hostel Belle Meuniere for the weekend, about a 10 minute walk from the beach. Once we had settled into our room we decided to go walk around and check out the beach front. Friday was a relatively slow night for us after the long train ride and walking so we looked in some stores then headed back to the Hostel to relax and go to sleep.

Saturday, September 6: 
We woke up around 10 and walked around until we could finally settle on a place to eat breakfast, which to my surprise wasn't to expensive. One thing I noticed about Nice which was similar to Florence is that they love to advertise an "American or English Breakfast," so of course we decided to eat at one of those places. Once breakfast was over we headed straight to the beach, and the beaches in Nice are extremely different from those in America. The beach is made up of peddles and relatively large stones so walking around without shoes is pretty painful. However, once you got over the stones the water was absolutely amazing. The temperature was perfect and the fact that I was swimming in the Mediterranean Sea just blew my mind. Another big thing that noticed immediately was that men in France love to wear speedos, especially the older ones. After laying on the beach for a couple hours we packed up our stuff and walked around, their was one spot that everyone recommended we go to that gave you a full view of the beach and it was beautiful. 

After the climb up the stairs to reach the view we walked around and explored some different views. We went to this little bar that was built into the side of the rocks that everyone jumps off of. Sadly, the bar was closed but there was still a bunch of people jumping so we did as well. 

Once we had our fill of jumping we went back to the Hostel and decided on going out to Hi Club, which was a club directly off the beach and the group before us had said great things about it.

Sunday, September 7:
After a really fun night out we got up, checked out and made the hike back to Riva.

Next weekend: Interlaken! 

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