Friday, October 17, 2014

Rome, Italy

October 17, 2014

Rome, Italy

With the exam finished we hit the road for Rome where we would be meeting up with Jacks' older brother and two people from the Lugano trip. We made it into Rome about around 5 checked into our hostel and planned our what we wanted to do for the night. Some people didn't want to go out so me, Jack, Brendan, and Jacks older brother went to a famous brew house where we met our friends from Lugano. I've never been too a brew house before and it was quite a sight too see...about 25 taps all for 6 euros. We stayed at the Brew house until around 2am then Jack, me, and his brother started the walk back. Rome at night is absolutely beautiful.

We went into a Kabob shop, I've never had a Kabob before and it was delicious. After the Kabob we finally got back to our hostel and turned in. 

Saturday October 18, 2014 

Being in Rome we all got up extremely early because we really only had one full day there. We found a free walking tour given by an American which was fantastic and he took us to every major site and he ended right before the Vatican so we could go in. 

The Vatican was one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my entire life. Walking into St. Peter's Basilica was one of the most breathtaking moments I have experienced. The sheer size and history too think about is amazing. I spent about an hour walking around looking at all the statues and paintings and taking it all it. 

  After the Basilica we got in line for the way up to the Sistine Chapel, the Chapel was nothing like what I expected. It was beautiful but it was different than anything I envisioned.  Security guards stand there and walk around to make sure people do not take pictures of the Chapel. When we finished with the Chapel we grabbed food then went back to the hostel to prepare for our Bar Crawl.

Sunday October 19, 2014

We woke up and went to the Colosseum for one last final stop before we got on our train. We skipped the line because we found a place to buy tickets that no one else knows about. The Colosseum was magnificent, and true wonder of the world. After the Colosseum we went to the train, another great weekend in the book.


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