Monday, September 22, 2014

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Friday, September 19:
Start of the First 10 day break. 

Amsterdam, Netherlands: 
We had finally finished our first 2 classes and now it was time for our 10 day break to travel. Jack, Brendan, Tyler and myself had all decided on starting in Amsterdam. We packed up and took and over night train that left at 8 pm and arrived in Amsterdam at 9 am. I was unimpressed by the train to say the least. The train was mostly booked so all that was left were seats and they were disgusting. It felt like the train hadn't been cleaned in years and smelled awful... but nonetheless it got us to our destination and that's all that mattered. 

Saturday, September 20:
We arrived in Amsterdam all pretty tired from the trip, I barely slept because I was so uncomfortable but I was too excited to let that hinder me. We were staying in Stay Okay Hostel, about a 40 minute walk outside of where we wanted to be in Amsterdam..but we made the best of it. After we checked in and put all of our stuff away we went back out to walk around and check out some of the scenery. The city was much bigger than I had anticipated and one very cool thing about it was how bike friendly it was. There were bike lanes on every single street with dividers and everything.

After we walked around for a good while we sat down and ate. I had my first cheeseburger since leaving the US and it was pretty good. Once we finished eating we headed back to the area around the hostel and hung out till we went back and went to asleep, we were all out by 7 pm.

Sunday, September 21:
We woke up pretty late and started the long walk into town. Our main plan for the day was to do the Heineken Experience, the old brewery and learn all about how the beer is made and the history behind how it came to be.

The tour was very cool, it took about three hours to go through the entire thing and at the end we got 2 free beers and a free mini beer glass. After the tour we walked around for a couple hours, checking out all the shops and what Amsterdam has to offer and it did not disappoint. We went to the train station to buy our tickets for Monday to Brussels then went back to the hostel to watch football and pack. Amsterdam was a success. 

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