Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bruges, Belgium

Tuesday, September 23:
The plan was to be up and out early...that did not happen. We got up late quickly got everything together and went to the train station, Bruges was a 2 hour train ride away. Arrived in Bruges around 1pm and it was so cool. When I think of a small European town this is what I imagined. It was beautiful, the architecture was amazing. Our first stop, which we thought was the Basilica of the Holy Blood..was actually the Town Hall. Regardless, it blew me away. Everything was so elegant it resembled a Royal Palace.

When we came out of the Town Hall we realized the Basilica of the Holy Blood was directly next door...so we went in. The Basilica of the Holy Blood is said to hold the actual blood of Jesus Christ and they keep it on display constantly watched by a Priest. The Basilica was like nothing I have ever seen before. It was small and tucked away between a few massive buildings yet it holds such religious significance.

After the Basilica we went to Choco-Story, which is a Chocolate making Factory and Museum...and Belgium is famous for their Chocolate. The Museum gave the history of not only Belgium Chocolate but all chocolate in general, where it came from, how it came to be, it was extremely interesting. The walk through of the Museum was capped off with a Chocolate making demonstration. The demonstration was very cool but the thing that was the most amazing to me was how many languages the chocolatier could speak. He was not much older than me yet he gave the demonstration in 4 different languages...Dutch, French, English, and German. Once the demonstration was over we were able to try the Chocolate then we went on our way.

Once we saw all the sights we wanted to see we went around a did a little shopping and ate. The food was okay and not to expensive but the most frustrating part about going out to eat is having to fork over 3-4 Euros just for tap water...and if you try to drink your own water they may kick you out. Everything in Bruges closed relatively early so that forced us to head out. We hopped on a train around 7 and headed back to Brussels. The rest of the night was great, Matis (Hogans' uncle) gave us beer and the 5 of us sat in the house drinking and watching the move "In Bruges." Frankfurt in the morning. 

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