Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Frankfurt, Germany

Wednesday, September 24:
We arrived in Frankfurt late afternoon and when we reached our hostel they told us we had booked it for the wrong days so at that moment we had no place to stay. We wandered around the city from hostel to hostel until we finally came upon The United Hostel, which worked out great. Once we booked our rooms and put our stuff away the first thing we did was go to Chipotle. I know of only 2 Chipotles in in Paris and the other in Frankfurt. It was about a two mile walk to the mall it was in but my goodness was it worth it. Compared to the United States the food tastes very similar but it was almost double the price and thats in Euros.

After Chipotle it was around 4pm so we walked around a little more to get a feel for the city. Frankfurt was the first city that I had been in that really reminded me of an American City. Their was a good amount of skyscrapers and a lot of city traffic so for me personally it did not take very long to get accumulated. 

Thursday, September 25:
On Thursday morning we got up relatively early and hit the city. Right when we walked out of our hostel the entire street our hostel was on was closed for an open air market. The first thing I saw was a bratwurst stand and immediately went over to it. For 2 Euros I had the best bratwurst of my life...needless to say I had 3 more before the day was over. After the food the first thing we hit was the Botanical Gardens. I've never been too a Botanical Gardens and it was amazing. 

We spent about 2 hours walking around the Botanical Gardens then left to walk around the city a little more. We hopped in and out of stores, we all ended up buying sunglasses, then stumbled upon the famous Städel Museum. Inside the Städel Museum was some of the most amazing art I have ever well as some of the most bizarre and in my opinion should not be considered art.  The most mind blowing piece of "art" was three broken T.Vs all on the static screen....their was also a yellow cord hanging from the ceiling that was considered "modern art." All of the old art was magnificent...the modern art was a little less impressive.

(Hogan Looking at "Modern Art")

After the Museum it was pretty late so we walked around a little more then went back to the hostel to relax. Later in the night Brendan, Jack and myself walked around the city a little bit and went into a little bratwurst stand/store that was basically a hole in the wall and it was pretty solid. We each had a couple beers and brats then turned in for the night. Oktoberfest in the morning!! 

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