Sunday, October 26, 2014

Lisbon, Portugal

Sunday October 26, 2014

Arrived in Lisbon around 9:30 in the morning and went to our hostel. The hostel we were staying at was ranked 6th best hostel in the world, Lisbon Destination Hostel. We checked in, got comfortable, and set out for the day. Since we were there so early we really just walked around. We stumbled upon an Art Museum which was a really pleasant surprise and from there we went to a really cool bar over looking the water.

After the bar and museum we walked around a little more going though all sorts of different alleys and markets. The churches and quaint little Portuguese streets were something I was not expecting but it was quite refreshing after previously being in Venice and Rome.  We continued walking... slowly making our way back to the hostel. Once we got a little closer we grabbed some food, did a little shopping then went back to try and decide what to do for the night. 

We went back got changed then walked around the town, this one particular street right outside our hostel had a ton of restaurants and street performers which was a real treat. After dinner we turned in because we were getting up early to go surfing.

Monday October 27, 2014

I woke up at 8:30 to prepare to go surfing. We booked surfing lessons through the hostel so I had the ability to say I surfed in Portugal. The guy we had teach us our lesson was very cool, he had just graduated college so he was hanging out and messing around with us. He taught us and helped us for about 3 hours and it was an experience I will never forget.

After we finished surfing we explored the town we were now in because we had driven about 35 minutes outside of the city to surf. The exploring lead us back to laying on the beach for about 6 hours which was amazing...I even witnessed Russian Rugby players fight each other with dead jellyfish, it was quite a sight. From the beach we went back to the city center, sadly ate Subway then hungout for the rest of the night. 

Tuesday October 28, 2014 

Our Final day in Portugal, we rolled out of bed around 11 and made our way up to a castle that we had been able to see since the day we arrived in Lisbon. I do not recall the name but it was in a very historic area with plenty of street performers and tourists. The view from the top was very beautiful I was able to rest my eyes upon all of Lisbon.

We did one last walk around Portugal...who knows when I'll be back, grabbed some dinner then went to the train station to catch our overnight train to Barcelona!

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