Friday, November 21, 2014

Dublin, Ireland

November 21, 2014

Dublin, Ireland

Time for the last 10 day! The plan for this 10 day was Dublin, Paris, and then finally ending in London. I was meeting my dad and uncle in Dublin to see the Ireland vs Australia Rugby game. I left everyone else early flying in Friday night with them coming in Saturday night so I could have an extra day with my family. I landed in Dublin Friday night, saw everyone then turned in for the night.

Saturday November 22, 2014

The three of us; my uncle, my dad, and myself, thought we had gotten up early but really woke up at 1:45 in the afternoon and we were meeting all of my uncles friends at 2. We got ourselves together and made our way to the bar to prepare for the 5:00 game which was 2 ranked Australian team vs the 3rd ranked the world. I say without a doubt that it was the coolest sporting experience of my life. Not only was the stadium absolutely amazing, the atmosphere was incredible as well as the game.

Once the game ended, which Ireland won, everyone goes from the seats straight to the bar. We met up with a couple friends who live in Dublin and I do not understand how they do it. From drinking two hours before the game, during the game, then for another 5-6 hours after. My dad and I made our rounds, had a couple drinks then turned in. I could not keep up with these guys and they were all around 60. 

Sunday November 23, 2014

My uncle left early Sunday morning so it was me and my dad until we were leaving Tuesday. After my uncle left I laid around for a little bit while my dad did some work then we left to go explore Dublin during Christmas time. They had a very cool little Christmas Market right off of Grafton street so the Holiday Spirit was there. We talked around a little until we went to Trinity University, the famous university in Dublin, to look at the Book of Kells. My favorite part about seeing the Book of Kells was not the book itself...but the amazing library. 

Once we finished with the Library and Book of Kells we went out to a bar for some drinks and dinner then back to the hotel to turn in. 

Monday November 24, 2014 

I woke up relatively late again and originally had no plans for the day. My dad had to go to a meeting so I met up with Jack and walked around the Christmas Market and Grafton street for a few hours, admiring what it all looked like in the fading daylight. Jack and I walked around for a few hours exploring everything we possible could until it came time to eat. Everyone was meeting us at my hotel and my dad took us out to dinner as a one final hooyah to the trip. Once dinner was over the 4 of us hopped in a taxi to meet up with Jacks friend from high school who goes to school in Dublin. We met him at this recording studio and played around in it for a couple hours till we all had to leave. I went home and back to bed after that because I had an early flight in the morning. Paris next!

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