Friday, November 14, 2014

Krakow, Poland

November 14, 2014 

Krakow Poland

The plan for this weekend was Krakow. A group of 22 of us were going to Poland to celebrate a birthday there as well as going to see Auschwitz. After the exam we all went to the airport to catch our plane that left at 3:30. We landed in Poland around 6 and it was a lot different then I had expected. I suppose I didn't know what to expect with Poland but Russian influence was very visible. We walked around the city center for a little while...our hostel was in a great location. Once we all ate we decided to stay in and hang out for the night because a couple of us were going to Auschwitz the following morning and needed to get up at 7. 

Saturday November 15

A group of 10 or so of us got up at 7 to get dressed and walk to the bus station. It was about a 2 hour ride to Auschwitz and we wanted to make sure we didn't miss the bus. Once we got there the tour we had scheduled fell through so we just hopped in on a different one. Walking through the concentration camp was one of the most chilling experiences of my life. The sheer magnitude of what the Germans were doing is sicking. We went from Auschwitz 1 to Auschwitz 2...which is just acres and acres of open fields with wooden buildings, gas chambers, torture chambers, and a whole number of other nameless things.

After the concentration a camp we all headed back for the birthday celebration. We had all chipped in on a giant party bus that took us all around Poland, from a Casino to a bar then to a club. It was quite a wild night.

The following morning we packed up and went home to finish up the last couple weeks of classes. 

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