Friday, November 7, 2014

Zermatt, Switzerland

This next trip came with a new set of classes and new set of responsibilities, Management was over now it was on to BIT. With the first week of BIT classes over Jack, Casey, Brendan and myself decided to make a trip to Zermatt, Switzerland one of the most famous skiing locations in the world. Too get there you have to take a private Swiss train so our rail passes didn't work and absolutely no cars are allowed...everything was electric. As soon as I stepped off the train I fell in love with Zermatt it honestly felt like the North Pole...that's how cool it was. We arrived there pretty late because of so many trains and busses but it was worth it. We settled into our Hostel and got ready for the night because the whole point of this trip was the 13 mile hike we planned for the next day. 

We woke up around 9 the next morning and hit the trail. We all packed sandwiches for the whole weekend because as beautiful and cool as Zermatt is..with that beauty comes cost and it was the most expensive place I had been since coming abroad. We were on our way towards the hike around 9:30 straight up the mountain. Being out of shape made the hike much more difficult but up until that point I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. The mountains, the snow, the looked like something you see in a magazine or a computer desktop. 

  We walked hiked for hours sometimes going off course to do a little exploring. As we reached the top we came across a frozen lake a what looked like a relatively abandoned town which was really cool. We did however run into problems. Eventually losing the trail we wander off course and had to slide/fall down the mountain following the phone poles before it got dark and we got stuck...but no big deal it all worked out. After doing this hike I really don't think anything else will ever satisfy me hikingwise ever again.

It was an extremely painful day..especially having to slide down the mountain but it worked out perfectly because after the hike we went to Zurich we had a spa day scheduled for the 4 of us and on Sunday we spent from 10 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon getting pampered. 

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